
Mission EPCE – Click here for PDF


The Association of European Centre for Privacy – European Policy Centre (www.europeanprivacycentre.euwww.centroeuropeoprivacy.it) was founded with the aim of promoting awareness of the right to the protection of information and personal data urging awareness of the importance who takes the training in this area. Adequate information and proper training allow the acquisition of a strong professional background useful for the industry, both professional organizations or companies.

The mission of the Association will be to operate independently from specific business or political interests in the field of personal data protection, privacy and information by analyzing and studying the European legislation, international, Italian, and also taking into account anyway approach comparativistico between national laws, supporting professionals, institutions, companies and the industry regarding the following activities:

  • organization and management of training courses, seminars, conferences, lectures and master’s degrees, higher education courses in Italy and abroad, working groups, including events such as online web conferencing and web seminars;
  • establishment of observatories on the protection of information and personal data, on identity theft, privacy, with the intention to draft a position paper to be published and submitted to the relevant authorities both at national and European level;
  • creation of a center of excellence on the Community legislation on personal data and privacy;
  • organizational security company within the Information and Communication Technology;
  • development and participation in European and international projects;
  • processing and project support organizational security company;
  • realization of periodical publications and studies;
  • analysis and study of methodologies for the protection of information assets, classification of information and personal data in various areas;
  • regulatory compliance with respect to the new models of delivery of services, which are merely examples may address legal and technical aspects of Community law and international related to cloud computing and e-commerce activities;
  • any other initiative in the context and / or in the field relevant to the purposes set out in the statute.

Profiles of our members

The Association aims to network professionals (lawyers and engineers) who have completed a high competence in the areas of our interest so that they can contribute to scientific production in the field of information security and personal data.

Our priorities

Collaborate with all stakeholders, institutions, authorities, individuals, businesses, consumer associations, and any other entity or organization Italian, European or international wishing encourage, in cooperation, analysis, study, exploration and development the thematic, technical and legal, related to the protection of personal data, information and privacy.

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